We have strong learning design and delivery experience.

All of our learning solutions are custom-designed based on
our clients’ change strategy, challenges, and intended outcomes.
Some examples of learning session are listed below.
We also provide team meeting & event facilitation to support
inclusive collaboration and better outcomes.
Most of our decisions (90%+) occur automatically without reflection. This evolved to ensure our survival but it does not always serve us well in today’s more complex world. The brain manages over 11 million bits of information in a moment and shortcuts (biases) evolved to do this in an energy-saving way. Usually this works. But at times, errors occur in direct conflict with our intentions to be fair and objective. The challenge is that having an understanding of bias is simply not enough to become more inclusive in our decisions, interactions, and systems. Instead, we must design ways to mitigate the impact of bias–to outsmart our brain! In this customized introductory learning session, we explore the impact of bias within your context and offer pragmatic actions are called Inclusion Nudges. This is based on the change methodology created by Lisa Kepinski & Tinna C. Nielsen that is grounded in behavioural science and their decades of experience and know-how. In their work with organizations, they have designed these practical designs which have been put into practice by thousands of people from a wide range of sectors. This learning session may be in-person or virtual, delivered by us or by you supported through a change-maker facilitation certification process. Length is dependent upon design and format. Our targeted solutions are based on our clients’ own challenges and intended outcomes. We design learning sessions in a format that supports action-taking for bias mitigation, system-wide equity, and a culture that is inclusive of all.
In terms of creating a diverse & inclusive culture, leaders are key. Yet, all too often there is a credibility gap between what leaders intend (what they say) and what they do. And this is noticed by their staff. The intention-action gap impacts trust, engagement, and ability to achieve strategic goals. This learning session introduces why we need to design to make action-taking easier to do and offers targeted proven Inclusion Nudges for achieving a more inclusive culture. This is based on the ground-breaking Inclusion Nudges change methodology and the Inclusion Nudges Guidebook by Lisa Kepinski & Tinna C. Nielsen. Inclusion Nudges are relatively soft, non-intrusive mental pushes that mitigate unconscious, automatic thinking, and thus help the brain make more objective decisions, & promote more inclusive behaviors—that will stick. Leaders leave the session with Inclusion Nudges to reduce bias & ensure better decision making for inclusion & business performance.
We offer this learning session for leaders, influencers, and change makers. May be delivered in-person or virtually, and involves a process of learning, application, and coaching. The outcomes are also captured and become part of the organization’s wider strategic change intiative. Length dependent upon design and format based on clients challenges and intended outcomes.
This Inclusion Nudges Design Learning Lab is a learning process where we work with your real organizational challenges for inclusion. We use an evidence-based approach to identify the key challenges to be addressed. Then, using the Inclusion Nudges key design principles, we teach participants how to become choice architects for inclusion. We work with the three types of Inclusion Nudges discussed in the Inclusion Nudges Guidebook by Lisa Kepinski & Tinna C. Nielsen. The outcomes are that you understand the core barriers to inclusion within your organisation based on a detailed analysis process, you work in a collaborative manner with the Inclusion Nudges experts (Lisa & Tinna) to design your own bespoke Inclusion Nudges for your organization to foster behavioral change for a more inclusive environment. And you are supported in a learning process that encompasses analysis, learning, design, application, review, re-design. Throughout you are supported with 1:1 coaching and peer mentoring. It is delivered in a combination of in-person and virtual. This Design Learning Lab is for change-makers who want to make change happen!
Diversity, equity, and inclusion is about culture change! It requires a multi-faceted range of tools to help drive culture change, including stakeholder management, influencing, organizational assessment, root cause identification, targeted interventions, conflict resolution, coaching, the ability to work on both the short and long-term, and so on. This workshop and coaching is delivered by highly experienced leaders of behavioral change design, organizational development, and diversity, equity, & inclusion. It is one of the key learning experiences that should be in the portfolio for all DEI professionals, HR colleagues, & people chartered with driving culture change for inclusion. This learning process is delivered both in-person and virtually. It includes pre-work, assessment, learning modules, application work, 1:1 coaching, peer group mentoring, follow-up application module, and certification completion session.
Frequently, we are requested to facilitate meetings to ensure that all inputs are shared, voices heard, focused maintained, deliberation processes more objective, and to achieve better outcomes. Having an expert do this helps to take the burden off of the managers’ so they can participate in the meeting more fully focused as a participant. Also, through this approach, all meeting participants learn about how to conduct meetings more inclusively and they can apply the techniques used going forward. We do this by applying our many years experience as team leaders and based on our expertise in creating designs (Inclusion Nudges) to lessen the impact of bias, exclusion, and subjectivity. We develop customized meeting designs (agenda, format, processes, materials, pre & post designs, etc.) and also facilitate the meeting. We have done this for multinationals, the United Nations, educational organizations, small community groups, and more. The meeting groups have ranged from hundreds of top leaders from around the world, to smaller intact teams, to students in MBA programs, to gender and inclusion leaders from around the world, … we work with a wide range of people who want to have more inclusive meetings and achieve better outputs as a result.
Bias can occur without awareness of it happening and despite the best intentions to be fair, objective, and inclusive of others. Bias can be even more amplified in group settings. We are frequently requested to be a neutral expert observer of meetings and to note where bias may be occurring. Depending on the client, this may be called out in the moment, or at the end of the meeting, or in a follow up meeting. The types of meetings that clients have engaged us are performance reviews, succession planning, interview panel meetings, funding meetings, product / service pitching meetings, strategic planning, regular team meetings, and more. The team members gain a view of the potential barriers to inclusion and objectivity within a real (relevant) context for them. Then, we facilitate discussion on the impact of this and ways they can address it through specific process designs and actions that the team members can take to mitigate the impact of bias within their meeting design, process, and decision making.
Lisa Kepinski, Founder
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Lisa Kepinski is a Co-Founder of the Inclusion Nudges global initiative, and Co-Author of the Inclusion Nudges Guidebook and the Action Guide Series. Learn more